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Majides is 1 year old today! 皆さんお疲れ様&今後もよろしくお願い申しあげます!
copy / paste for iPhone / Safari / Mail is coming soon! →
whoa, is flickr diluting its rank by not redirecting to or from "www..."?
a mint in the mouth on a cold day like today brings a chilling pain!
Japanese train announcements are too verbose. "we will soon make a brief stop at ...". how about just, "next stop, ..."
kinkyari.comはどう観ても「キンキ アリ」にしか読めないなぁ。
Japanese "eats shoots and leaves" moment → ad for "キンキ アリ" (kinky ari)? but no, "金キャリー" - that's so chanpon!...
t-agent says visa not needed for CR and Ecuador. but must have minimum 6mths left to enter. saved time and piece of mind. that's value.
@ejovi next time ask them if they're willing to do it at a fixed price, and negotiate!
@fukumimi sadly, yen. though if the xrate trend continues, it may be close.
@dannychoo sure, but already have offers for 250,000-300,000 for sale. give me an offer. I'll even throw in our Wii.
shocks to the face in rhythm; genious →
@fukumimi think there'll be a depression-baby boom in September?
riding the fukutoshin line for the first time. huzzah
added wiki support for userguides, etc., to ExpressionEngine Japan; now for the meat - ご興味ある方いますか? →
one issue with wifi - can't yank the chord when you accidentally hit 'send' on an email you weren't quite finished with ...


tedr Dave McClure Jeff Bonforte Tantek Çelik Vince Ricci John Gruber Gen Kanai guchagucha Boris Fumi Joi Ito Daisuke Horie Anatole Varin bodhi Moka Pantages Brandon Wu ejovi Jim O'Connell Joseph Miller Jaehong Lee SB Takeshi Amano Mike Sheetal Chris Toliver Craig Mod Oliver Reichenstein Eduardo Sciammarella Kosuke Fujitaka Matthew Skyrm shu Nobuyuki Hayashi d c Kohichi Aoki Nob Seki Naotake Takada shuho saito