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Had to skip the Feminsiting party tonight and not see @slamhita and @JessicaValenti (sorry!). Finally heading out to 2F11 to chill.
Ah, rescheduling: now Susie Bright is NOT reading January 15th (but is 2/19 I think), which means I have to book that night ASAP. Fun times.
Excited that I get to start the new year by being in the audience of The Martha Stewart show again. Plus 2 trips. Yay for January.
Now I'm really glad my interview about SXSW got postponed til next week. This weekend is already kicking my ass and it hasn't even started!
@deadfrog - thanks, I didn't think Eat, Pray, Fart was worth millions. @urban_gypsy - okay, if we MUST go to London and shop... :)
Another reason I hate this cold rain is it wrinkled the pages of my book, Stranger by Megan Hart. I like my books crisp.
Even though it's nowhere near my actual neighborhood, Sweet Revenge feels like my neighborhood bar/cupcakery.
Just finished super delicious dinner at BarBossa with @felsull - calamari and steak salad. Now to find my daily cupcake.
Am beyond out of my league in SoHo clothing store. Need major wardrobe overhaul. And shoes.
Yay - I will have copies of Best Sex Writing 2009 for sale 12/18 at In The Flesh. More info at http://bestsexwriting2009.w...
Happy happy joy joy! My SXSW food blog panel is now booked. More on it next week. Thanks @pastaqueen for your suggestion of Kalyn, she's on.
and for those who don't know what my reading series In The Flesh is: http://inthefleshreadingser...
DM or email rachelravenous at with your videotaping qualifications, best if I know you or friend of friend, can't have flakes.
I need someone trustworthy, fast and competent to tape In The Flesh in NYC on 12/18. Pay is $100 and I need clips for YouTube by 12/23.
Thanks everyone - I found someone for the banner but will keep those who replies in mind for next time cause I'm launching new blogs in 09.
I need to hire someone to make a blog banner for me, can pay you $25 and it should be very easy. Write me at rachelravenous at
Going through a ton of book catalogs - is Sarah Silverman's book really gonna be called Eat, Pray, Fart? Why, yes:
My DIY PR skills strike again - did a quick interview with the New York Observer about next Thursday's In The Flesh reading! Out next week.
@violetblue put some of my books in her "It's a Wonderful Orgasm" holiday gift guide!!! Check it all out at
Having so much trouble motivating myself to get up on such a dreary day but am finally doing so. Can't wait for the weekend.


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