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Went to bed at 11 pm, Nemo woke me up at 6 am. He's dressed, camera bag looped over his shoulder, and he's ready see Santa. Now.
Funds too tight to care about Black Friday this year. Kinda depressing, actually.
I feel strangely distant to my family right now. Would really like to be alone for a few hours.
Dinner is ready. All that remains is carving the turkey. Nemo waits anxiously outside for Grandma. Starving!
I've washed my hands twice, but they still smell like raw turkey. :p
We may have to dine out for Thanksgiving... my turkey isn't defrosting. Solid rock.
Gave the dog a boiled shrimp. It took several tries for her to figure out the shrimp was edible. Weird dog.
I canNOT believe there is no way to create simple FOLDERS in WebTycho. I mean, come on... such a basic organizational tool! WTF?!?
Have I mentioned how much I hate WebTycho -- it doesn't do anything *convenient* like Blackboard.
Let me say again: WebTycho is a crappy learning management system for distance education, whether teaching or learning.
Colleague brought her giant poodle to work today; dog is in my office now so colleague can go to a meeting. Dog is very confused.
Campus parking lot is e-m-p-t-y. Maybe today will be nice and quiet.
Nemo declared he was not going to school today. Like that's gonna work.
Bah! iChat has decided to malfunction.
One of my instructors insists on using Comic Sans font in all of her postings... it seems so juvenile for a graduate course.
Sigh. WebTycho gave me an error before I could save my discussion response and I lost the whole darn thing.
Headache starting. Got corned beef for lunch, though. Yum.
Spousal unit is stopping for fresh corned beef sandwiches in downtown Baltimore. My mouth is watering now!
Cleaning my glasses didn't help the bluriness. Hope this clears up soon.
The blurriness in my left eye is very distracting.