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Flickr find of the day: A nice artsy B&W photo of an elderly woman cross the street. Caption: "some old bitch i seen"
@Nicole_Cap Since I'm just looking for ways to procrastinate, I'll do your laughing for you. HA!
All I want to do right now is eat my weight in Wendys. I've been working for a good 10 hours today on this paper, and I've only eaten once.
@gezyka oh man you're so lucky, that's gonna be such a great show
A song called "Feathered World" just came on the iTunes radio, and i looked down at my keyboard and there was a small feather on it. OH SHI
@Raisins My favorite of all time is still the original image that sent me to your site: I never stop loving it.
I have a paper due, so why am I reading the W Post story from the Marion Barry crack bust trial? "I'll be goddamn! Bitch set me up!"
Every time I hear Marion Barber's name, I think they're talking about Marion Barry, which I always thought was a nickname, "Marry N' Barry"
Today's featured MySpace status: "Going through personal shit but determined to Get Money"
@rulala Yeah, I sucked it up and sacrificed an extra character in the URL to get that oh-so-important tweet out. It wasn't easy… - To anyone who thinks they did well this semester: BOW DOWN BEFORE MY WEB DESIGN GRADE, YOUR NEW GOD. Wow… a perfect 100...
Oh no, is down… I have no way to share links with everyone! Except the 50 other url shorteners out there. But this one's my favorite!...
Oh my god, the Jets sure know how to make them interesting! From the edge of defeat to amazing victory, and then almost back to failure. Wow
So what if Shaun Ellis drives without insurance and has drugs in his car? HE WINS US GAMES, BABY! J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!
One of the most amazing things I ever learned was about the Aymara women of Bolivia/Peru and their love of Bowler hats.
I just decided I'm writing a final paper on Quantum of Solace. Kind of a weird choice, but I'll make it work. Guess I should watch it now…
Anyone have $20? Buy me this shirt: Except call ahead and ask if they can get it in a small. I'll give you my eternal soul
My one wish for tonight: peace and quiet to do my final paper and final project. What I got: an inconsiderate roommate throwing a party. FFF
The best part about ESPN's new doc "The Greatest Game Ever Played" is Michael Strahan and old Colt DT Art Donovan screaming at each other.
And I'd like to thank my brother, @jacobwp, who encouraged me to constantly call other men attractive, no matter how heterosexual I may be.


Veronica Belmont Kevin Rose Barack Obama Greg Cromwell Leo Laporte Sara Kiesler Gary Vaynerchuk Veronica MacHeist Barbara Wright The Sneeze Raisins The Onion Jacobwp hodgman brendanmci megandemarco Nicole Cap rickyj021 badtattoos Jessica Carneage Al Gore THE_REAL_SHAQ Amir BLOOMsauce Daniel