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We are "experiencing indulgent cuisine" so says the pigs in a blanket box!
Kevins making pigs in the blanket for a snack and FTW!
Fudgsicle at kps house!
On my way to Kevins for barbecue. But I just started raining. What will we do?
@xclusives_619 was it that bad of a beating?
@snayk wow! that's crazy. was pac really going at him?
anybody watching the delahoya/pacquiao fight? if you are, who's winning?
Eating cheerios for dinner. I eat cereal for dinner a lot.
@kpereira is the "personal project" a big, hard poop?
@BboyRod i'll try to edit it tomorrow. wanted to throw it up the next time i did something like again..
@joshuakrane @gavinpurcell Another phone? How about the mobile ones from the Vietnam War. Sure they're big, but they come in backpacks!!!
@mattgibbs does the bank know you're a traitor mattie?!!! do they???!! i'm sorry. i just miss your cute fuckin face. congrats!
new video on from my journey to chapman university to do their talk show and meet awesome fans!
@gavinpurcell find a time machine. then go back to the moment before you bough the iphone, turn around and walk away. :)
Syke!! They just changed it. Show will air next week, not tonigjt. Will post video of interview next week for u to see.
On my way to do interview at Chapman University. If ure in Orange County, tune in to channel 6 at 7 pm for the live broadcast.
Gas in Cali is only $1.79!!! Yes! Someone in the Middle East must love us!
Feeling better so I got baskin robbins rocky road single scoop on a sugar cone. Mmm.
Just woke from a sweaty, sickly slumber. Feeling better-ish.