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Just ordered Final Draft sotware - yup, I'm gonna write a screenplay - no, it's not my first one.
@susan_adrian Good luck on the final!
Keep the holidays in perspective: http://www.redefine-christm...
@GaryCorby I am at that age where people dying way younger than me has become common place. Scary.
@annefrasier Bob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@annefrasier Go Bob! Let's here it for the AARP Survivor! Will he win? Oh, the suspense!
I vote for Corinne as the biggest bitch in SURVIVOR history.
@MichaelHyatt I read SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE & learned that media fast also cuts down on exposure to ads. Less ads = less spending/less stuff.
@Stinkyboy I'm a card-carry member of the Stinkboy cult! I have several stinkyboys myself as well as some not-quite-as-stinky girls.
@christammiller I notice a lot of taking stock & re-grouping across the blogosphere these days. Questioning Internet use in general, too.
@christammiller emotional connection/relief from isolation. Whatever it is you want from blogging, do you get more than what you invest?
@christammiller Every blogger has to ask themself: Am I getting more out of blogging that what I put into it? Money/promotion/support
@carleenbrice Cancer sucks any time of year. Kudos to you for supporting your friend at this crazy time.
SURVIVOR: Kenny, when will you learn? Saying, "I am the mastermind" is always a mistake!
One hour till the SURVIVOR finale: I'm rooting for Sugar and Bob. Either wins, I'm happy. But I still miss Yao Man from previous eps.
@Colleen_Lindsay Gotta disagree of BOVARY, though. Read it for book club, loved it.
@Colleen_Lindsay I said I'd save Faulkner's books for my old age. Guess I have to find another excuse not to read his books now.
Frozen northerners! Temps ABOVE average here now - 80s all week. Come on down!
@arcaedia "And she's (translation: you!) the top dealmaker of 2008, according to Publisher's Marketplace." Woot! Way to go, Jenn!
@TravisErwin Ha! I threw Faulkner under the bus on Nathan's blog & he has yet to forgive me. I leave the fishing & drinking to you & Ernie.


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