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@thomsinger haha.. ok fair enough. But you were gone at donut time :)
Got back from church. @thomsinger was lurking around in the back. Now on to addressing Christmas cards.
@alainedouard yep I noticed it yesterday. Tweets aren't updating facebook statuses! Yikes.
Just ran into @johnerik at mandolas.
I will work out this morning. I will work out this morning.
getting ready for monthly neighborhood poker night. Lisa is hosting Bunco/Drunko.
@eMom just subcontract to me what you need done with the latest versions of PS and Illustrator :) haha
@Chicklit1028 hahha too funny. Sorry you might have to endure that.
yes!! our awesome Christmas cards have arrived!!!
cheering CONGRATULATIONS to his awesome wife Lisa,who just completed her 12 days of fitness program!! She rocks!!!
doing some work, and then off for lunch time fun: taking Trevor to a photog+kid get-together. Trevor will wow them with his awesomeness.
@shortyawards I nominate @whurley for a Shorty Award in #tech because his tech tweets rock!
DogBlog: Terminator Salvation: Is that Schwarzenegger?
@JamesatBabySpot haha I think it is - no one else in the trailer is that built! ;)
@JamesatBabySpot funny you should mention that. Check my blog in about 3 minutes!!
New Terminator Salvation trailer online:
finished upgrading Wordpress to 2.7. Interesting!
DogBlog: How To Not Get An Advertising Client
::New Post:: How to utterly fail at getting an advertising client:
@mikeneumann hey man! Thanks for checking it out, and thanks for the nice comments! I hope things are going good for you!!


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