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Why do online video sharing services seems to struggle so much with fades and dissolves? My brain can't process what difference it makes.
Hey @jaygrandin, we just watched "How to Shower: Men vs. Women" again in the office and had a good laugh:
@IanWatt You're a giy who can make things happen in a slow economy! Keep kicking ass.
@jlmckenzie Just in Canada. Twitter turned that off in Canada b/c it would cost $$$$$ with riDICKulous data rates here. :( To protect us.
woot! Sweet surprise meeting with @jaygrandin. Jay, you make a great lunch date.
@karj It's lookin more like rain now...bus will still be insanely busy though, you called it.
I see snow. Good omen?
Experiencing #Bestof604 remotely thanks to @ianivs's Qik:
Getting followed by a lot of daddy blogs etc all of sudden. Greetings, gents!
@janismary IF indeed I AM lactose intolerant, I would suffer for some spinach pitas. Are you kidding?? Nice work, btw :)
Digital high fives to all #Bestof604 participants. Apologies in advance for my absense. Congrats to @Miss604 for making it happen!
RT @sjagger: Think twice about your marketing budget for 2009. Think outside the box. Do more with the internet in 2009 -you'll love it.
@alexleebehan Oh boo. No Opening Ceremonies for us. Attn: All Olympics broadcasters. Need someone to run B-cams during the games? ;)
Attn Official Olympics sponsors and partners: I volunteer you my posterior to help fill your reserved seats during the Games. Yr welcome.
@ddonat I couldn't have made a better creepy Euro pop video about Boris if I tried!
@uncleweed Aww thanks! I'll assume the Osmond thing is a compliment :/ Obv your clue gave it away:. Marie = Osmond = Mormon = Utah.
Weird Youtube find: One has to assume it's inspired by our own @bmann. Boris, are you secretly a German pop star?
@brianleroux @quikness What about Windex, WD-40, Scotch these qualify?
@uncleweed I'm going to have to go with Mann's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Do I win?
@awesome @victoria_potter Part of me wants to use the N95 too. But I have a Curve already...productivity would suffer, plus I wants iPhone!


Evan Williams Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Rob Cottingham Boris Mann Lee LeFever  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Nep (Travis) Shane Birley kris krug Richard Kate Trgovac Andrea Weckerle Anil Dash Joel Burslem Jeremiah Paul Tris Hussey xnoɹǝʃ uɐıɹq Roland Tanglao Dario Meli Lloyd Budd Social Media Club Jeff Keni Pulver Bryght nick bouton Dana Oshiro amber mac BarCamp Will Pate Dave Shea SXSW Christopher Clay arieanna Ianiv Schweber
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