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I wish we had a Christmas tree.
@tdavenport : I like the brick-and-mortar stores quite a bit. Spent a bunch of money there tonight, in fact.
BRANDING: "Expedia is down. What's the one with the gnome?" "Travelocity." "Then which one has Shatner?" "Priceline neg-o-tiator!"
@tdavenport : I've had nothing but great experiences with Amazon, and Borders used to team up with them. Why stop that now?
I'd love to see someone from Borders (@kevinertell, from a quick search) responding to more of these problems instead of praising the site.
@tdavenport : I love the store. Had a really ugly retail experience online, though. Lamesauce.
Bradley's teasing me because I'm using Twitter to see what other people think of People tend to agree out there.
I want to be able to use my Borders Rewards card on purchases. That would rock my feeble world. Instead, shitty UI.
Has anyone else bought stuff through the site? And if so, did you find it to be a raging piece of shit?
Dinner with my mom, which is a lot like dinner with two of myself. And they're both kinda cranky. And stabby.
My brother's girlfriend wants to see _Marley & Me._ I'd forgotten just how chicky chicks can be.
@ReedieJR : Oh buh-ZING. Ten points Jennifer.
Never have large boxes delivered to the office. Just, apparently, don't.
@milwaukeemoney : The name should give some hint, I'd think. Like JP's "The Flintlock Facial."
@hunleyd : Not on the surface, no! But I can't go on posting things like "The Flintlock Facial."
Okay, you guys have officially transitioned from "Name a Strip Club/Shooting Range Combo" to "Name a As-of-Yet Fictional Sexual Position."
@innergeek : Re: your recent post, this site is incredibly helpful for me.
@milwaukeemoney : So this is the moment you chime in? My heart skipped a beat. ;)
If these tweets don't get me to 500 followers, nothing will.
@zachunderwood : Since I don't want to lose my job in the worst economy of my lifetime?


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