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The towns along the Long Island Rail Road are not prepossessing.
Sitting in the Midway concourse, Christmas carols blaring, images of my felon-to-be governor on the screens. Can it get any better?
Off to NYC in the morning. Ready for a little change of scenery.
@mattfrost Hope you like it! The song, I mean, not the mountain. I'm sure you already like the mountain. Bennett lives in VA somewhere.
@BrianHowell Yeah, see, rules are hard.
My senator is about to be President and my governor is about to be a felon.
Nice rules for tweeting:
@bcathey Yeah, those guys are my heroes.
Except for that one. And I guess this one.
No time even to tweet.
@TheArcadian Maybe — we'll see how it develops. I will be *much* cooler, though, of that you can be certain.
@pattondodd Very kind of you, Patton — Thanks!
@BrianHowell It does on Twitterrific, which is what I'm using. Lines breaks perfectly preserved!
Friends, please check out my new blog on technologies of reading, etc.: Spread the word!
Who's that calling my name? Oh, it's my bed.
So, Keanu Reeves is an alien who is in the process of learning human language and facial expressions? So *that* explains it!
Thinking about the Good Samaritan.
Wow, today is not bitterly, life-threateningly cold. Yay.
Stephen Bennett's song "Afton Mountain" is pure joy.


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