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I wanted to blip "All I Want For Christmas Is A Dukla Prague Away Kit" but I couldn't find it, so here's this. ♫
It is December. Time for festive music. ♫
In honour of the new album, a bit of classic Flipron. ♫
I really hadn't been convinced by Bellowhead, until I heard this, and then they made sense, and I have suddenly ... ♫
@sispurrier There's some fantastic stuff on that's not criminally pricey thanks to the exchange rate.
I'm still waiting for the bloody second album, you know. ♫
Struggling to keep a grip on my mood today. Woke up in a foul mood, things have only gotten worse. Send dead kittens and puppies.
@bremxjones Also going to the gig. Getting their early as a mate of mine is one of the support acts. See you there?
Must... wake... up... ♫
Today is finger-in-the-ear day. ♫
Mad, alcoholic, and unashamed to make literary references in his songs. What's not to like? ♫
As is probably obvious, I'm going to take a stab at remembering to use this particular service. ♫
And if this doesn't clear my head nothing bloody will. ♫
Woken early. Worked 12 hours down internet mines. Went to gym. Came home. Bed now. I need another Thursday, this one contained no fun.
Some fucker leant on our doorbell at just gone 6 - too early to get up, too late to go back to sleep. I need trained attack badgers.
It's 6 o'clock. Overtime!
@antonyjohnston True - that's not enough for me, since Apple decided that OS X didn't need MySQL built in, and all my PHP sites use it.
@antonyjohnston on the offchance you're not already using it, I recommend MAMP as the easiest solution.
Have only gotten out of bed today to answer door for pizza. Still semi-comatose. I think I can file last night's clubbing under "success".


Cath Douglas Marysia Kay Melissa Gira Grant budgie kflage Andrew Wheeler James O'Malley rstevens Pete Harvey Sally Brewer Wil Wheaton Jamais Cascio Ariana Osborne Nys Kelly Sue DeConnick Warren Ellis Laurenn McCubbin Brian Wood Sarah Deaton Adam Auden Kieron Gillen Emma Vieceli Antony Johnston rachelyoung zdarsky Alex Young joeszilagyi mattfraction pixaday mrming Craig McGill dizzyshai CiaranMcNulty Marcia Allass Frito_KAL