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Chrysaora - Slowly but surely slaying the yellow (= need-to-be-fixed-or-added-to) out of my thesis
eMax and Brennan talking about Django&Flash: "PHP plays nicely with Flash, I think." "That's like two ugly people dating."
Keynote on interactivity @ 1994 New Media Expo: "This is a proverbial 0 billion dollars business going to a 0 trillion dollar business"
As inevitable as the changing of seasons, I start listening to more and more Jpop as the semester draws to a close. Why??
@olinerd There are days when I *still* look longingly at my CSG uniform and think WHYYYY CAN'T I JUST??? T_T
Latest amusing txtonym pair: Jordan and Korean. As in, Jordan food anyone? @zamiang and I are headed to Cho Cho's soon
Great success: got paper extension until Friday for Vikings. Great failure: I can NOT focus on my thesis =( =( =(
@caseorganic extAC is the project I work on at the MIT Media Lab:
Someone want to let me know why my Flickr view count tripled yesterday? Not that I'm complaining
Note to self: buy "ambient fire," the ultimate video fireplace.
I just checked tim berners lee. Ah!
Converting all of my .flacs into .oggs. Quality shmuality.
Today's CC summit is going to be HOT FIRE now that it's been announced that Lessig is coming back to Harvard. @BerkmanCenter to di world!
@rachelmercer Let's swap Xanga accounts one day as a bonding experience. Mine was updated every day from sophomore year to college
@caseorganic Ushahidi is one of my all-time favorite tech+activism projects! Very inspiring for extrACT
1000+ Tweets =); =(


Dave LaMorte Bre Pettis Anil Dash jimbo wales sj kate raynes-goldie Joi Ito Matthew Hockenberry John Resig tycho garen lokman Alex Polvi Admiral Ackbar m@ Rebecca MacKinnon Barack Obama jay smooth Michael Wolfe Lisa Williams Dean Jonathan Zittrain Ethan Zuckerman David Weinberger Sockamillion mac cowell Paul Irish David Day Josh Diaz elizabeth stark Daniel Madeline Flourish oliver day Ben Weeks fred benenson Julian Wadsworth Kristen Taylor
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