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#TCOT @Michelle_Moore Can you make sure to display the White House e-mail address prominently on Fight the Bailout web page ? Thanks !
#TCOT Remember, don't feed the trolls
Stop the Presses! (oops, sorry Detroit News) @Dayngr just passed 3k followers. Now 7 from #TCOT have more than 3k followers ! (Libs tremble)
Stop the Presses ! (oops, sorry Detroit Free Press) @Dayngr is 2 followers away from 3k. When she gets 'em we'll have 7 on #TCOT with > 3k !
@itsonlywords I think we're just waiting on @mosqueda to moderate comments
#TCOT I've gone to and given my comments on Op Ford Motor, have you ? 47 and a half hours left to comment !
RT@mosqueda Your input is needed in developing Operation Ford Motor #OFM. Visit: comments accepted over next 48 hrs
#TCOT @hardline then feel free to engage with logic and good manners friend !
#TCOT Operation Free Swim is designed to promote real engagement. Occasional troll attacks on the tweet stream are 2 be ignored
#TCOT @chuckypita A troll identifies himself or herself immediately by the nature of their comments
#TCOT Remember, don't feed the trolls
#TCOT Please remember all tweets here are part of a public dialogue. We should firmly and politely always make the conservative argument
#TCOT @MatDiablo Can you confirm you work for PBS ? If so, can you please explain why your suggestion is in the public interest ?
#TCOT @MatDiablo Please let me know if you agree
#TCOT @MatDiablo I am thinking that your suggestion would do little to raise the level of dialogue or serve our common cause--our country.
#TCOT Please make sure to contact @Michelle_Moore . Operation Fight the Bailout continues with NO to TARP messages to White House tomorrow !
#TCOT Congrats to @MaximusPolitics (Bill Meeker) new @RedCountyBlogs contributor for San Diego ! Great work Bill !
@BruceHough Check out and comment on the new #TCOT feed on website
@rneppell Another GREAT job with #TCOT feed on website all please check out !


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