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@emzanotti yep only about 2000 of your closest friends know :-)
@BrianWollet you did not expect BDS to suddenly go away, I hope. Bush Derangement Syndrome will be around for at least 2 more years
@emzanotti re: christmas cards --LOL -- you are a woman after my own heart
@KatonDawson we need to talk about Aftermath Blogtalk Radio
@treesearcher a billionaire who is bilking hundreds of investors out of billions of $$$ turns out to be a heavy Democrat donor - who guessed
@jimmiebjr it could have been worse -- he might have won
@lagomorph13 (once burned, twice shy!) that is a TERRIBLE pun (double entendre?) -- I love it, but it is still terrible
@jimmiekersh those of us dinosaurs who still advocate smaller, less intrusive government have become the minority I fear
@jimmiekersh spoken like a true minority **sigh**
@john1973 your next DM will be a solicitation for donation...BET!
@Drudge_Report Resignation? Why -- he hasn't even been inaugurated yet... oh, the other guy
Was going to point out Lions-Colts 21-21, but didn't get it up fast enough -- Colts 28-Lions 21 WHY DO I CONTINUE TO CARE -- cruel world
@john1973 will it certainly will not be an effective method of communicating if he doesn't use it again until 2012 :-)
#TCOT #hhrs with 154,021 he is following and 148,617 followers @BarackObama has not posted to twitter since Nov 4th hmmm
@radioblogger beat you to the Helen Thomas line lol
#TCOT The dirty little secret is that the man who threw the shoe at President Bush was Helen Thomas
#TCOT expect now the entire MEDIA MEME to be all about the clown who threw his shoe at President Bush -- that will be the LEAD story
@DetroitVoices not saying the Lions are bad but the two backup QBs are George Plimpton and Alan Alda


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