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Have to pack, blog, pack.. ugha.
@swhitley Sore thumb keeps me from tweeting much. Still have reg work to do, so it heals slowly. Klutzy me. I'm not gone, just fewer tweets
@perrybelcher no u don't. Everyone would be hitchin' rides on you like a rent horse and expecting you to be the cop for the whole world.
@PeterSantilli I believe we NEED unions, but we need to clean the corruption out of them-- big time.
@PeterSantilli Hey, I worked for the Laborers Union at the administrative level. They are crooked to the bone!
@pepstein irony 4 dyslexic: link talks abt a bank glued it's USB ports shut, ad on the page is UBS. *dizzy now
@swhitley I think Penn is one of the most underrated actors out there. He takes on DIFFERENT roles, i.e., I am Sam, now MILK. Love that guy
@caseywright I have seen some good bug docs on Sci channel and doc channel They are amazing-- and scawy.
@smussyolay wonder what the odds are if you murder the governor of Illinois? I think he is going to fake his own death and escape.
okay, now to facebook and see what my friends are saying behind my back...and if they have read what I wrote behind theirs! hehhehe
@chumworth are you insane? Go back to bed!
@natthedem I'm going to have to visit woot.
@sugarjones yeahl, you can post how you slept on glue, woke up and found a crock pot stuck to your face. lol
packing for my 'regularly' scheduled trip. Managd 2 weasel out of the dble booking this week by sending hubby as 'stand in'. Won't work twc
Just now getting in to twitter. Busy, busy! And... hangnail on r. thumb makes typing more ouch than fun.
@PragueBob Just giving you grief! I am, however, much older than I look and much older than most people who know me, realized. I love it.
Gnite Tweeters! It's late, you are all fascinating. Some more than others, but my eyes are falling out...*feels around for eyes. Gnite!


Lane May Woo caroline Kathy Johnson Scott Beale Mike Carvalho Dave Winer Russ Thornton Bill Burcham Jim Long Trench Hussein Coat Elizabeth Chuck Rex Hammock Will Pate B. Hussein Fishbones Joe Brooks Barack Obama Joe Biden henry copeland Rob Cotter @ Fixion Chumworth Jason Kottke Ed Illig karl long Ken Glenn Chris Rock Victor Z. ShoeMoney Marsha Keeffer UJ Robin Keener Chris Dodd Annie Walker David Lagana natthedem molly b.
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