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...falling asleep to the radio...such an old and wonderful technology...
...gonna get my bluegrass on tonight...
...getting fucked over by technology...should've paid cash...
...just had a shot of honey jaeger...despite its relationship to the deservedly maligned jaegermeister, it was quite tasty...
...I am currently occupying the stool at the end of the bar and Irish whiskey is currently occupying the cup in front of me...
...grabbing some din with friends then it's off to the moon for the fourth night in a row...
...wondering what to do tonight since the default haunt will be pulsing unpleasantly with heavy metal...
...stuffed with sleep and going boot shopping in a bit...
...à la lune...
...done working, anxious for the party at the moon tower...
...making deliveries and sewing virtual tours... the hayloft... Lafayette's premiere hipster hangout...
...Lafayette is lacking two important things: a chips shop and a bloody pub... a tow-away notice for parking my car in my designated slot at home... is always interesting...even when it's boring...
...status: green...
@zerobot I find it funny that you woud feel alien in a building almost completely occupied by alien lizards...
...decision: out of the house and fast...
...thinking: more nerd time or get out of the house before I start setting things on fire?...


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