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rt @hrheingold: Too pooped to tweet. Which is, I guess, probably better than too tweeted to poop | funny, I said same thing @iftf on friday
at most we get about 1.5 days of cleanliness / week in this apt. most of the time it looks like a clothes/dishes bomb exploded
anyone twhirl users know how to increase the # of messages displayed?
bath is flooding. woohoo saturday!
anyone know of any research re: web-usage patterns scoped by day of month/day of week?
@nathanverrill woohoo. loving the team
rt @agreatnotion @guerillafutures Yes, big hair goat nuts. It does sound like a microbrew, you're right.
@guerillafutures @agreatnotion Anderson Cooper of ABC's "The Mole"!?
@agreatnotion don't you ever call Ms. Ripa "whatsherface" ever again. EVER.
p.s. not to get all soppy, but i love my job. banging my head against the wall here is still pretty freaking awesome.
still at the tute; getting things done, but its like banging my head against the wall
so so cool. (Christophe Aguiton speaking here at IFTF)
site mapping
christmas chez moi doesn't start till the mark baldwin album gets its first spin on the one 1s and 2s
@guerillafutures they can't be 14, or else you are in violation of your restraining order
rt @anthonymobile poor hookers! | haven't even looked at the link, but it has to be interesting, right?
RT^2 @jerrymichalski @kevinmarks: use google with to search people's names on twitter (thanks!) | so simple! so good! thnx
mega crazy allergies today. gah, not fun at all
@myrlueck nope! as far as i can tell, it is the default correction :(