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@dcagle I'd go with the first one.
The face of Fall
I did replace one pic that was being hotlinked with one of two rhino about to have sex.
Have to figure out how to stop hot linking with a basic godaddy account.
@MorningBrewVA Yup! Classic IBM 3270.
@catoinstitute The bailout is more the the UAW than the "Big Three"
@sidburgess Diane Feinstein did list it as a goal.
Crazy Canadian Crossover: The Red Panda and the Flying Squirrel visit the Tiki Bar.
Pittsburg City Council Member (a democrat) sums up her view of the US Constitution.
@JessicaGottlieb Next time I'm in Van Nuys, you'll have to pose for me for a "great mommy blogger picture." :-)
Wordress question. What template is good for a photo blog?
@JessicaGottlieb Now you have to tell the Playboy Mansion story!
HT to @AttilaGirl for pointing out the Pretty in Mink Calendar.
@JasonCalacanis He certainly is leading the list so far.
@godzirrraaaaa I really like Lightroom for working with RAW images.
New post in the Photography blog.
I've loaded the Searchme iPhone app. Pretty sweet.
RT National Black Republican Assoc has issued a petition for Obama, head of DNC, to apologize for the Dem Party's 150-year history of racism
Google has a sense of humor. Type "about:internets" into the chrome address bar.


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