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@cffg: NOVA? We are heading in the work release program direction right now.
dying here. "horrible" @theboyterror would drive me to drink if it wasn't frowned upon. So tired I could fall asleep sitting up.
he appears unrepentent
how bad does your child's behavior have to be to be described by his teachers as "horrible?"
@damnhusband LOVES it when I come up with creative ideas for a display with less than 24 hours before The Big Show. I see divorce coming.
putting in my order for pastelitos from the airport La Carreta. @kindness girl might want to speak up now if she wants me to share
@josueblanco: the salt/baking soda mixture is what's important. No, wait. Maybe it's salt and baking powder. Well, whatever.
@TXPoppet: Being left in the parking lot at church as the station wagon pulled away.
@Cffg: I could use that extra 20 oz. that spilled on the floor.
everyone else has a 5 gallon bucket of freshly brewed beer in the middle of their kitchen counter, right?
@jessicaapiss: it was nothing but gracious about him so I guess there's no need to take the roadtrip. @kimberle will be disappointed.
another night with 4 hours sleep. Shockingly it is very difficult to sleep on a toddler bed with a toddler.
just saw subject of an investigation from the good old days. Tempted to park across the street and take grainy photos with the cell phone.
Nothing says "I'm sorry for wasting 8 years of your life" like making the story into a NY Times bestseller.
that would be ME posting her video, just to set any record straight. Since that's about the only straight thing about it.
Just found out that @damnhusband's ex is writing a tell-all book about her life. Will be posting her wedding video on YouTube and Facebook.
commercial on t.v: "give the gift of a kosher prostate this Chanukah." Would that be a gift for Day One or do you save that for the end?
@damnhusband just found my long lost order list for a big party. I'm guessing those 30 girls will be glad to get their stuff.
carbon footprint re. loads of laundry today? As if I drove a '66 Camaro SS cross country at 90 mph
@damnhusband: "wait. Darcy hadn't come back yet and proposed to that girl yet?" clearly he hasn't read the book or seen the movie 900 times