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@billerickson thanks! i'm definitely planning on checking out the happy hour. will you be there?
@chrispitre thanks! the presentation went great.
presented at rice alliance and feel good!
Still snowing in Houston
Retweeting @marc1919: I just made a Twitter Group at for #Houston Twitterites Please Retweet.
holiday shopping FYI: funny video
@timestocome that is too cool. i kind of want a venus fly trap now.
@timestocome that's neat! i've never seen something like that in real life. maybe take a picture?
i want a burger.
@spruitt yes! i didn't actually wipe out my entire inbox, but i deleted a good chunk of it. =D
cleaning out inbox
@labanjohnson i hear the fireworks too! what's going on?
is it really saturday? the week went by so fast!
@maslowbeer good to hear! yes, i'm going to try to make the next one!
@maslowbeer ah, i was working all day and all night - went to bed 5 hours ago. i'm sad to have missed the LJ meetup. how was it?
@bryanelliott1 hey no problem. it's nice to be back in reality. ha


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