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it's the calm before em's vaccination storm
@ABombshell I'll see your hubby's non-subtle news w/ subtle congrats although I'm squealing for you on the inside!
@ohmorgosh Sending you lots of pain-free-delivery vibes! Can't wait for you to meet your little one!
If you're going to shop online this holiday season, consider Ebates if you haven't already.
Just bought webcams for my mom (for Christmas) and us so she can chat w/ Em.
It's amazing how much one can spend in such a short amount of time. I don't know whether to be impressed with or fearful of myself.
@onenjen Yeah, totally something for nothing! Not that Target lost on street cred w/ me, but it's still nice.
Received a $25 e-gift card fromTarget for its huge pricing mistake on some car seats recently. Nothing like unexpected money!
@Freya74 Haven't heard from them yet. :(
I'm an email marketer's wet dream. Must. Look. Away. From. Deals.
@daybreak1012 Oh, and last night's wasn't *that* cry-worthy. Storylines w/ dads always get me, though.
@daybreak1012 That episode IS awesome! :)
Went on a nice walk w/ Em & @TheDailyRandi. Now I'm watching last night's Grey's Anatomy & trying not to cry like I do w/ every episode.
Someone is reading through my blog archives. I'm always surprised to see that happen.
@justjenn I'm using the Candy one for my other account. Fun!
I already knew I had ninja powers - now my Gmail confirms it.
2nd rough night in a row. Thanks, 6-week growth spurt.
Saw 2 daycares today. Found one where I want to spend *my* days - homecooked meals and dancing! Wait, that sounds like @justjenn's house!
I think Twitter is eating my Tweets. Spit them out!


suki the Domestic Diva CNN Breaking News jozjozjoz Phil Gomes Mignon Fogarty Jen Floyd Will Betheboy Mrs. Mogul Wil Wheaton Carol Browne Hilary Whitney Matheson ratty rat Gwen Bell Darlene Andrea I Dooce Angie Jodi Jen Keely Saige Lamberti Christine Farah ThinkBlue ren Ally Adam Hansen Amy Jen G. H.C. Lisa Atomic Bombshell Sara Bareilles Celia