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I know a certain someone who is playing the full version of Crayon Physics Deluxe right now. I am jealous. Which for me... is a big deal.
@trappermarkelz Did you actually get experience? I keep winning fights against unique users and getting nothing, despite what the award says
@jradoff Yay Left4Dead! Join us in our zombie-pocalypse mayhem. =)
@imran_malek Oh man. That's a slightly altered version of one of my favorite "board" games. Like "telphone" but much more fun and hilarious!
@Roxianna Happens to me, too. Reminds me of one of my favorite ST: TNG episodes where Picard lives a second lifetime on a desert planet.
@imran_malek Same here. I'm amazed at how well they've captured the Ghostbusters in the game. Not only recognizable: downright nostalgic!
@theotherniraj How have you liked the remake? The demo looked pretty good, but no Chun Li. Super Street Fighter II was the last SF I loved.
Played Left4Dead with friends tonight. Totally awesome! We're old Rainbow Six and Call of Duty LAN multiplay vets, and L4D is a new classic
@tinysubversions Music games for the win! How did you like Lips? If it has good (variety + price) downloadable content, it might be tempting
@rails Thanks for the update. It's nice to have occassional, even if irregular, updates like this to help us be ready & plan for the future.
@samhouston Just finished more "practice mode" (single-player) Left4Dead. Totally awesome. Can't wait for real multiplayer with peeps I know
@Roxianna I'm so happy that Gmail's spam filter has never let me down. Been using the same Gmail account for many years now and no spam.
@Xianthe It's totally the Octabrain from Duke Nukem 3D! Awesome remake of that game on Xbox Live Arcade, btw. Great memories there.
@terrenceturner I'm sarroniv; just sent friend request. Dude... I just watched the first episode of the old Zelda cartoon via Xbox... weird.
Finally upgrading my Xbox Live account to Gold. New Netflix and "Parties" integration convinced me. Online Xbox play here I come!
@samhouston Bummer. I always wanted to try that game. If the retail price had gone down, or if it'd been on Steam or Mac I might have.
RT @d2h: Rails 2.2 is done! Get i18n, HTTP validators, thread safety, Ruby 1.9/JRuby compability, and much much more:
Just finished.playing two Virtual Boy games. That's right -- Virtual Boy!!! Go Gamma 3D!
Microsoft's ad for their and Ubisoft's MIGS party: "it won't be a total sausage party, get excited!" ... Seriously.


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