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uk technology startups to be given £1bn fund: (via @emilychang)
I feel that I'm being tailgated by a VW. More than one, for two days running.
Reading old emails. Hardly recognise what I've written 3 years ago.
Techcrunch is down.
Argh. Over-slept.
When on earth is PayPal HK going to fix the language preferences? It's affecting both us and our customers.
Café de Coral resumes offering macaroni with ham, but mine is mangled with another sauce. Bah.
has switched on airplane mode far too often
Seems to be Apple Mail's problem - its caching and indexing are too intelligent (not).
Have pruned my folders, yet iPhone still loads up the old (pruned) one. Not sure if it's iPhone's problem or dovecot's.
back on the road. others didn't think so, but that was fun. (via @anguslau) Yes, that's typical of Hongkong people.
OLPC's XO now on sale in Hongkong @ Oregon. HK$3,xxx each.
@virginia_li Huh? How does it work eventually?
In HK, opposition politicians say "the govt should do..." Everywhere else, they say "we would do... when we are in power"
What an amateurish poster: . What does the event title mean? What's the event about? Why the bg image? Why ?
Back to Tungchung.


Robert Brook Emily Chang Jack Baty Miles Metcalfe shizhao Dennis Howlett Leon Satoshi Nakagawa 君 Yusuf Goolamabbas Rebecca MacKinnon Rafe Needleman Thomas Crampton Melvin Yuan Steve Fleischer Ben Crox Jonathan Nolen Jason Kottke Jeffrey Walker Alan Gutierrez Ken Tamura Raju Vegesna Leo Liang Cliff Man Pina Hirano Marc Wang anguslau azeem Kenji Wada Reggie Chan hashtags Denny Kluge Abi charlesmok Valery Hronusov Naoto Ohara