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Today is a day for staying in bed. But instead we head out into the cold to babysit other people's kids.
A series of bad ideas: bike ride on a cold rainy day, alone with the baby, forgot my pump and tool kit. Naturally: flat tire.
Have reached a point in my life when I hate weekends more than I can possibly say.
@mposten Clearly you did not attend enough JournalCons. Although I attended three and I have NEVER sang karaoke.
A new trick that is not awesome: using her shoe to scoop water out of the dog dish. AND DRINKING IT.
I hate it when it's already a very long day before 9 am.
I woke up at 4: good. Penny woke up at 4:25: bad. Fortunately she is cute. And my work today can mostly be done while watching Oswald.
Every time a new business opens on J Street, I hope it is going to be an Indian restaurant. It never, ever is.
Precious child painted own head and then dumped mac and cheese all over the floor, where I stepped on it. Ha.
Penny at door, screaming, "Daaaaaaaa!"
This article confuses me: I thought the whole world had a girl crush on Michelle Obama?
8 hours of sleep! Thank you, Chlor-Trimeton. And also Jeremy.
@DianePatterson @kmeisner Oh, she has a cell phone. But the shoe is a ruby slipper. It might be better than an iPhone.
Also she is currently pretending that her shoe is a cell phone. I don't do that, either.
More things my kid did not get from me: she is really good at throwing a ball (for a toddler) and she is passionately interested in trucks.
@jenfoo Oh, honey, no. We can give you some tequila to go with the limes.
@jenfoo Please come to California and be my nanny and legal secretary. I really, really need a proofreader, too.
Penny and I are adjusting well to the new routine, but OH MY GOD do we miss Jeremy. We see him for, like, ten minutes a day.
Awake, 3 am. Actually awake, 1 am, but I didn't give up and get out of bed until the dog started barking at some air.
Even though I am falling over under this workload of mine, we are having a pretty good day. It helps that my kid is funny as hell.


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