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Much replenished after a few days of bush, beach and not much else.
6 yr old asleep. 15 yr old watching telly. 41 yr old at work. Time to myself.
Very funny (or die) Prop 8 musical
Did I break by registering?
is noticing his tendency to flip between abundance and scarcity assumptions.
Spoke too soon. Install Audacity. Open file. "Error while opening sound device." List of playback devices empty. :(
Thank you, thank you, Open Source Contributors of the World. So cool that I can just download, install and use what I want.
I think Placebo's Pure Morning would be more appropriate.
Convening an audio/ppt/chat session about geospatial data management trends & relevance to biodiversity data management in NZ.
Such an anticlimax when everything goes well in the big event. Phone sits quiet. Meh. Off to lunch then.
Pages loading in 1.3s. Load dropping.
800 people on the site all pressing reload to get results released at 1200. 50 requests per second. Load below 1.
Counting down to peak load event of the year.
@chiefie no, still managing to pick its hooks out
Facebook is worse than Tamagotchi. Tamagotchu.
@davetenhave Yep, Windows popularised computers which created the conditions for the Web. That's great, thanks, M$. You may go now.
Clicked on an Ad. Really, that is noteworthy.
@chiefie Yes. Already I am being mobbed by acquaintances I didn't tell FB about.
Welcomes his new Facebook Overlord.


Jerry Michalski danah boyd Tara missrogue Hunt Dion Hinchcliffe Dave Winer Tim Bonnemann Steven Clift Molly E. Holzschlag Ben G John Tropea Michael Koziarski debs Lee LeFever Simon Willison Tom Coates Darren Amanda Wheeler Robert Scoble Peter Asquith Justine Nancy White Ludwig Wendzich Mike Brown Silona Amy Hoy Thomas Scovell Ben Nolan Manatee Jake McKee Brenda Wallace jo eaton Twitter Stuart Maxwell Alexandra Samuel Rafe Needleman Michael Arrington
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