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@emenel I'm setting up mongrel right now, then will be working with the twitter gem. I have the latest diagram (ver 2), right?
@lend4health Burberry Weekend has not let me down ;) Also like Burberry Touch
@lend4health Thank you Tori, had an awesome weekend actually. Hope you get that gadget for xmas, and you should post a pic of the tree :)
@christineegger @engagejoe That's a great presentation Joe, very inspiring for me personally, thank you -
Setting up a rails app. Glad I've been through this a few times, the documentation is super scarce and very technical.
@emenel liking this ->, got search baked in, Twitter4R does not yet. Surprised api allows new user creation
@emenel k, can do an ichat. Better in the a.m. than the p.m., can you give me a ring in the morning? you wireframin now?
@emenel just d/l'ing xcode, the original twitter code i did was php... but switching Ruby. Looking for the ideal gem for twitter api now.
A nice relaxing past couple of days and I'm feeling back on again. Spending the night doing some rails dev and movie watchin
@arcexplorer how was the party? Will u be at the meeting tomorrow re. the workshop?
@lend4health well if you're not doing stuff like video editing or heavy graphical work, you won't need a "pro". Have u used mac much?
@lend4health what do u use your computer for mostly?
RT @kathyhuynh @fatwallet will donate $1 to food pantries for every follower @fatwallet has by the end of the year (up to $30k!)
@TwitPay FAQ: Does it work with protected updates? No and neither does Twitter. Go unprotect your updates, you'll have more fun." Awesome.
@ivey @tensigma So happy you've opened up TwitPay for non-profits. You have a game changer that's gonna be vital in the "new economy" :)
#thmvmnt, sorry I can't be there but looks like a special day.
RT @IdeaKitchn Hey if you're a non-profit & are interested in Twitpay sign up.
@IdeaKitchn That is awesome you guys are doing that :)
@Igniter You're just flyin bro, i'm following ALL the #svc email threads, no legal probs. Will be zoned again Sunday. Night Night.
On the streetcar again, loooong day. Feeling my eyes close on me. Looking forward to the couch, great company, and sleep.


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