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@eschaton awesome... I will give it a shot and see what I can come up with
Kids are playing Guitar Hero II.
looking for a spec language (BDD) for objective c. Anyone know of one?
All this talk of snow... it is a bit cold here today... ~70 :p
Last soccer game today. Furniture delivered. Still need to get a new floor rug. Time to start working on some code.
Watched Dark Knight again.. man I love the Joker.
Missing @bradwilson and game night.
Watching Rudolph with the girls. Still as good as I remember it ;).
Really not feeling the love today. New furniture comes tomorrow. Get to send old furniture to someone who really needs it.
Long day yesterday. Wish I could have made it to the MSDN dev days.
@tomhollander good to see you alive and kicking still. Yeah.. it takes me a while but I have learned to love it on my MacBookPro.
I am really starting to like the fact that I get one menu across the top of my mac instead of fifty of the same for windows.
@brianbuttonxp yes.. and if you make any progress you are required to not collect $200
Writing an adaptor for crazy authentication / authorization system here.
Woot. Got my ruby code running. Now time to refactor.
@schambers tell ron I said hi. Tell him we need to do another pod cast together :)
trying to write regex in ruby. pinky... I am going to need my tools.
OmniFocus - Got it for Mac + iPhone... Orginizing my life == happy


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