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Programming is like sex: if you do it while drunk, it feels awesome, but the next morning it's clear that you've made a huge mistake.
@thatha7777 Doing anything other than splitting the bill equally between dining companions is Bad Manners.
@izs @natekoechley "Programming is like sex: my uncle taught me how to do it in his basement." Hmmm, no.
I feel like watching this copy of High School Musical 2 I just downloaded is only going to increase my nausea.
Cold report: I'm fine until I try moving or thinking. So watching TV it is.
Reading a biography of Harvey Milk and reflecting that my bad days are really not so bad.
@ThumbsMcGee Wow, I never noticed the tables on Twitter either. Lazy but effective.
I'm cold, it's cold in my apartment, I have a cold, and today was an awful, sad day. I'm going into hibernation until at least Friday.
I know that this is a matter of no concern to anyone, especially today, but I am coming down with a cold. So there's that.
@blinnpdx Muted congratulations are the order of the day.
@adebradley It doesn't sound weird when @lovecoffee says it, because he's got the soul of a 45-year-old trainspotter & a karmic cardigan.
Wow, the surprisingly large number of Ds I'm getting congratulating me on not getting laid off is making me feel very loved. Thanks, guys.
@alexlewis More like "Fuck yoooooo-ooooo!"
@Moof That follows from the first one, yes.
I am officially Not Fired. Can't say I feel like celebrating.
@chromatic Though @twitter have noticed and un-limited us. (Thanks, @goldman!)
@chromatic So many people from Yahoo are hitting search.twitter that the whole campus has been rate-limited.
And the awesome QA guy who sits next to me is gone. And the PM who sits next to him. This day is already awful.
Good luck today, fellow Yahoos. I wish I had brought a blanket to work so I could hide under it until the bad things go away.


Jason Goldman veen BenJ Liz Dunn Reid Burke heidi Jennifer Eric Kevin Cheng Leonard Tom Coates Nate Koechley T.J. mattymatt Paul Hammond That Kid from Omaha J-Strizzle Simon Pearson Ed Voas Michael Kusnetsov Talia rands Ernie Hsiung gareth Jeffrey Zeldman Moof CNN Breaking News Arlo Rose Chad Dickerson erik Nicole Rob Marquardt David Mike Pearce Dot Agent Smith
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