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So I've played all of 5 minutes of 1112. I'm in love. Gonna play through that more tomorrow I hope.
Who's got two thumbs and got his car stuck in mud outside of a surprise birthday party? This guy!
@mollywood pronounced twoosh-bag? I think I need to see it in a sentence
@blakespot @sbostedor I've got to ask, why specifically?
@runkeeper What's your opinion on the app "Trails"?
yay power is back and the temperature in my house is slowly rising. Now to do some work.
Wow power throughout MA = Epic Fail. I could barely get gas this morning. Waiting in the longest cash only line ever at McDonalds
Her flights delayed and i have to hear it from her friends at the show i drove 1.5 hours to get to Liquid confidence here I come.
It sucks when a service you rely on let's you down and you don't find out for three weeks. Thanks Newbury Comics. I didn't need those issues
@steffanantonas have you tried or are you looking for something different?
@ngmoco for Dropship, will users be able to create levels to download or does ngmoco have a schedule in mind for releasing additional levels
@runkeeper don't you just love New England weather? At least yesterday was warm
@FullSignull I saw that! Did you get the rocker for it too? I've got a long drive tonight so I'll load up episode 8
Rocking out to The Get Up Kids while walking down to Dunkin Donuts. Today has the potential to be amazing or awful. No middle ground.
@steffanantonas his work with Schuyler Fisk is awesome. If you like his music, you might like Good Old War
@jeffleblanc lol i'll just take the energy drink and video tape myself for 5 hours. Let the viewers decide which works best
@jaygould that's why you've got to set your registration info to private!
@jeffleblanc rebull and coffee really don't do anything for me. I think it's the vitamin b in the 5 hour that helps.
Decided to walk to CVS for a 5 hour energy. Truck drove through a puddle and completely soaked me. I'd be angry if I could stop laughing.
@slydial you guys are from MA? Nice! Hope you liked the review!


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