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Just got another Apple II+ motherboard. Seams like it stopped working during shipping though. Working on trying to get one or both wor ...
My package of more Apple II parts has shown up. Yay!
Refreshing the USPS tracker page to seeing if my package of parts might come today.
Finished cleaning my Apple IIgs
Apple IIgs works! Now going to clean it up a bit.
My Apple IIgs (eBay), and the parts I ordered from Briel Computers just now.
Took out the 6502 CPU from my Apple II+ and now it will start with a double beep and is able to be reset (Progress).
What is with Apple charging for iPod updates? It's getting annoying, plus my money from the prepaid card don't work (money not = to money?)
Waiting for the last of the parts to come in.
Apple II still not working, which means the 6502 CPU is dead.
Back to working on the Apple II+
CPU may be damaged, or one of the chips connected to it's inputs and/or outputs. We'll see when more of my my parts arrive.
Removed the CPU and turned on the Apple II+ and there was no change. So moved around the 8T97's and there was a tiny bit of change.
Replaced more ICs in the Apple II+. No real improvement since last time (when video sync was fixed).
Doing more research that will help me get my Apple II+ working again.
Going to pick up my 360 tomorrow. I hope it has been replace with one of the new motherboards
@leolaporte Cuil is a new non-google based search engine ( )
YAY!!!!! Bluray wins!
Waiting for Windows Vista SP1 to be released via Windows Update.
Waiting for school to start once again on Tuesday.


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