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My experience tells me that when @werner posts vague tweets (eg: "Some victories are sweeter than others."), Amazon is near an announcement.
As of yesterday (forgot to check today), we had 460 people signed up for Cloud Connect (http://www.cloudconnecteven...). Event starts 1/20
I just joined the cloud-computing Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
@kevinmarks OK, I'm sold on the idea of starting with hCard. So, what are the next steps. Let's get it done (and viral).
TIP OF THE DAY: Via @zoho, RT @knowliz: Howto Change Firefox default email client : Gmail, Yahoo or Zoho etc.:
@GuidoS Typical queries I might do if this gerry-rigged directory were strapped to Twitter: Show me all followers in NYC. Or all PR tweeps.
@kevinmarks Yes, HTML+hcard is good first step (though hCard/vCard needs a bit of updating, IMHO). Just need to bootstrap the ecosystem.
@GuidoS Yes, a style sheet makes total sense. That page was crafted in the fray of a conversation to prove a twitter directory is doable.
@GuidoS No apps can consume that XML. That's the point I made @ the time. If enuf tweeps linked bios to such XML, cool apps would follow.
RT @maz1972: @dberlind FB allows ads on apps 50 cent's kyte app serves ads thru our ad manager and google adsense
@GuidoS If you look closely at the XML behind that link, it's essentially a digital biz card. Imagine if all tweeps did something similar?
@MitchWagner Thanks...Do you know of any example FB apps that carry their own advertising, independent of FB?
@GuidoS, Actually, the link in my bio works exactly as intended. It dates back to a conversation about building directories off Twitter bios
Question: Are there such things as Facebook apps that carry their own ads? If so, is that OK with FB or in violation of an FB policy?
@GuidoS, for this stand alone version of Mashup U (in oher words, not coupled with a full Camp), we're looking at a college with a PC lab.
@ArtboyUSA Mashup U is a classroom setting where students learn hands-on how to build mashups. Normally coupled with Camp. Stand alone too.
@ArtboyUSA, We've actually been running Mashup Universities over the years as well.
Heading into Boston today to check out a potential venue for Mashup University.
@monkchips I see you at SFO (on Top of the list right now. I'd say the one thing needed in the UI are date/timestamps


Mr Messina Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Susan Scrupski Thor Muller Mike Manuel Dan York Dina Jeff Barr cote Jeremy Pepper James Governor Frank Arrigo Jennifer Pahlka Jeremiah Werner Vogels steve o'grady Joe Hunkins KathyGill fergusb Robert J. Berger Paul Walsh Chad Dickerson Bill Petro Kevin Railsback Michael Jones Erin Fors Ted Patrick hotdogsladies Simon Phipps The Autodidact Paul Miller Robb Henshaw Bijan Tom Raftery John Meyers
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