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@michellej Yikes! what kind of leg injury, Michelle? Is Grace toughing it out? Are you?
Spent all day away from you, fair internets, what'd I miss?
Got me a lando calrissian
At unique la hanging out with the pokero kids, @missmartini, @mellemusic, and @jenbladen
@NeelanjanaB Thank you for a late night LOL.
took an early evening nap and now it feels like I'm not going to sleep much tonight.
@jenbladen @missmartini @mellemusic i'm down to metro it. Pick a time, ladies!
I love that I can just reply to an email notification and know my comment will get back to where it's supposed to. That's hot.
okay, I'm finding intensedebate as pretty game changing. I love that it pulls comments from just about everywhere back to the original and..
alright unique la kids who are in for tomorrow's activities. I think we've determined early (11 or so). Now we just need a meetup spot.
@michellej in hip hop, it's important to not only brag but full-on boast. I hope you left that meeting crying in a corner.
@gamany I had pizza. And mental exhaustion on the side.
@RPM I slept a good hard 9 or so hours. my face is slowly reconfiguring.
today's wake up song: best day of our lives by weekend players. I slept my face off last night.
terminator salvation doesn't look very interesting.
@gamany Oooh, maybe I want a cheesesteak for dinner.
I've only been snacking the entire day. I'm going to need a big meal after work.
even though it isn't a Friday, I'm "working" like it is.
@jenbladen Saturday works for me. Let's see if we can round up a posse.


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