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@Fraser201 just got GoW2 - tron at some point
@Fraser201 welcome to the Twitterverse mate
Saw Little Boots play last night check out the Tenori machine she uses!
still smelling of Campfire smoke and looking forward to hearing more Little Boots next year
listening to Screamadelica and wondering why every album cant deliver 100% on every single track like it does!?
Commercial Tavern...Pint
@andrewpascoe Urban Outfitters is a great shout! cheers!
@andrewpascoe thanks for reminding me!! need to sort Secret Santa!
@stml dont mention the ads on Spotify, it ruins it for me everytime, can still kind of put up with it
@dubstep thanks for enlightening me about The Widdler! Sensi Samurai, amazing.
could Hulu be considered an 'Entertainment Brand' or is it a facilitator? thats the question
productivity levels slowly dropping
@kyliew not looking good so far, no cover of Runaway
Protection from Malaria is surprisingly expensive
Quite like Argos poster, 'great xmas cheat sheet'
Tumblr raises $4.5 million
madlib is off his head
Doesn’t believe the hype