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Just watched Elf with my 9yo. Still makes me laugh every time. Love that Zooey Deschanel. Baby it's cold out side. :)
@alexisthegirl something tells me that may change very soon
@tbuchok likewise! Looking forward to working with you. the client is pretty awesome. next time i need to tell you about the Kidney project.
@DocRob Who doesn't? Maybe this is a new service model
@almostdoctor you may still be every bit as sentimental as you have always been. It's a good thing.
@cecilmenk We need to continue our pre-thanksgiving conversation very soon.
Needed some quick WiFi. found really wonderful little place, Namaste Cafe. Sometimes life presents a nice surprise when you least expect it.
@bookish what are you doing with those Spanish books you are pulling?
@kk too bad so sad. I will tweet you updates and let you know how it goes.
@btreinen congrats that is great news! psst, start following me, darnit so I can DM you every once in a while. :)
@kimgarretson yes. would love to see chan again as well.
@kk you going to the poptech gathering next week in nyc?
Making plans for trip to NYC next week. Chopra Center there is so awesome. The Vishesh, perhaps?
@hg47 what is a 47aholic?
@sborsch what the heck is Almond Breeze? Maybe I shouldn't ask
@timoni Yup. there is something comfort-food-can't resist-yum about cheetos. I'm a healthy eater, but cheetos & bad it's good.
@leatrice you going to be in NYC for the PopTech holiday gathering?
Way fewer holiday cards in the mail this year. We stopped sending them a few years ago. Has this tradition started to fade? S'okay by me.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams rabble kellan Hook sara Livia Philip Kaplan Victor Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Lori davegray DocRob Naina Redhu Pete Hopkins Mary Hodder seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton nanek Ross om Nick Douglas Andrew Crow Tara missrogue Hunt Dion Hinchcliffe
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