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Just saw Liz from Black Bettie at the Safeway. w00t Now on home to make chicken under the setting cresent moon.
Still waiting to order a salad. . .
@420Sessions yup, chillaxin', as is my nature, down here in little old OlyWa... Up a little later than usual, though.
@420Sessions count me among the hardcores! (puff)
Listening to vinyl café podcast, Rememberance Day Episode. . .
<haiku> Sol's rays are blinding me; My car conveys me southward; The prodigal Sun is out! </haiku>
@teclo You mean they aren't supposed to do that? I thought that was a function of the price you just had to deal with? ;)
<3rd person>is putting his iPhone in "airplane mode" so he can get it sync'd without more people interrupting by calling him.</ ......
@ganjablue Yes, the Recipezaar haz vays of making you full! I second that recommendation.
@chrisbrogan In my family, we called that "goulash." Now that I think about it, it could have been a racist slam against the hungarians.?.
scratch that, wrong topic, I'm actually listening to @kk talk about spam, privacy, and social networks.
listening to @kk talk about citizen media vis-a-vis the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver on CBC Radio One.
sometimes I wish I had, and other times I wish I hadn't. This applies to pretty much everything I do, sigh. . . .
@Scobleizer ask them if I can have a free router? A 12000 will do, or a Catalyst 65xx. heh.
My Breakfast; 2 MB of Xanax, two Tylenol 1's (that's ACC's to you Dominion of Canada folks), five Triscuits, and 32 ounces of coffee.
@chrispirillo and what's wrong with that? ? ;)
@thinkfuture Nice spooky lightbulb effect. Maybe you can spark a market for 1950s style bomb shelters. Fear, fear, fear, fear!
@matthewebel No, you are not following me! I'll still play your songs on my podcast though. :P
just bought an album (MP3) of songs from a Canadian band called The Novaks. I suspect I'm seriously behind the "pop curve" on trends. :P


Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Dan Patterson Jason Calacanis randy stewart Chris Brogan Chris Wilson Brian Conley Boris Mann Bre Pettis Lee LeFever Karen O'Brien  C.C. Chapman  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble photomatt Paolo Valdemarin kris krug Richard giovanni Schlomo Rabinowitz Kim Brett Nordquist Tim Hohm jimbo wales cathycracks francine hardaway Crystal Williams Steve Lacey Plazes PatCastaldo Ethan Kaplan John Edwards Mark Chernesky BBC Technology
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