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@J_Schulz I agree may company freaked when I built something in php but willingly buys me every upgrade for my Flash dev tools
wtf? some1 askd me 'does the l8st vs of Flash still let you auto explode an object simply by rt clickng it like the old 1 did?'
OK.. back from team meeting. Anything interesting happen while I was gone?
Your thoughts? RT @lmacvittie: New post: Why Flash can't win the Web application war:
ok... going off line for team meeting
@SmpleJohn I use open office at home... but the would never allow that here
@jeffl8n good point about sharepoint... I'll add that
@aprilsheninger I tried the 'cool' angle already... no effect :-(
I have to present a business case for why my team would benifit from office 07
@RyanSAdams too bad... I was working on that side of town yesterday
@RyanSAdams I hope you have a coupon! if not get the store brand
@gminks the volcano did not look very appetizing
@AlwaysBreaking feel good though right? I miss it
@taraaukerman Have fun! but not too much... you dont want to be THAT girl at the company :-)
@RyanSAdams Responsible Software Seekers" RSS
@Stevehoward999 took me forever to install mine but it's pretty slick
my brain hurts today


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