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@esmevos Looks like Apple thinks so too. This will be their last appearance at MacWorld and Steve won't do the keynote this year.
Installed the new Boxee alpha this morning on my ATV. Fixed the problems I was having with Hulu. Can now watch mature rated content.
watching 30 Days of Night: Blood Trails Part 2 on Boxee
watching 30 Days of Night: Blood Trails Part 1 on Boxee
With the U.S. officially in recession, when is the call going to be made that we're in a deflationary spiral:
RT @rberger National Shame: Swaths of Non-Rural US without Broadband; Time for Re-Divestiture
@appletvjunkie You really, really need to focus on doing a better job with the audio in your podcasts! Its terrible, even with the mike.
I'm becoming increasingly interested in Amazon's Kindle. However, I'm going to wait until its 2nd gen version is released before I get one.
ITVs 'Primeval' Series 3 returns on Jan. 17th. Woo hoo!!!
"We told you so!": Progressives being mostly correct on the financial crisis, are never listened to by power.
States running out of funds for unemploy benefits: Yup, this just keeps getting better and better
@om I'm in agreement with Richard Bennett's comment on your item on NN. This horse left the barn years ago.
Glenn Greenwald on Moyers talking rule of law issues: Moyers show is a gem each weeks and worth watching!
Something sure to experience growth during the recession, prisons and their populations: Know anyone in prison?
Just watched 'Frost/Nixon' (hey, my weekend for relaxing). Very good film! It makes my top ten list for the year.
Just saw the new 'The Day the Earth Stood Still': Avoid at all costs! Instead watch the 1951 version.
Krugman on depression economics: "Ideology, not act of God, made this crisis possible"
Watched the new Eastwood film, 'Grand Torino': A bit corny, but I liked it! He's grumpy but good.
@russnelson OK, sure. However I think that this mess demands something a lot different then just standard practices.
Bonuses still flowing like water at AIG: Just unbelievable!


Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder om Dave Winer GregElin Robert J. Berger Esme Vos Kevin Werbach Ethan Zuckerman David Weinberger Jay Gould NPR News Jock Gill Susan Crawford michael silverton Sarah boxee johnmac13 Mark Petrovic arnonk 37signals Richard Bennett Lessig denise caruso Brad Templeton sgannes johnperrybarlow NewsHour Dave Farber mhaeberli randyburge carterkr Apple TV Junkie steve crandall SegwayInc