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4-word-review for the day the earth stood still: giant robot turns nanotech
The day the earth stood still was entertaining :) Kianu Reeves is the best actor to play non-human.
pretty empty. Not gonna be a blockbuster
At theater for the day earth stood still
@miyagawa indent in new typepad is a div style with 40px margin, not blockquote. I want to use my format for blockquote. Am I antiquated?
Typepad input interface has been completely renewed. It's nice and clean but I have to get used to it. Where is blockquote?
$50-billion ponzi scheme makes Boots Del Biaggio's crime look like chump change
@takoratta はげちょびんのほうがかわいいのでグッド。
@nseki IT Factory fiasco sounds like "Danish yakuza" story to me.
@kenn Sadly, my chiropractor behaved almost as a regular chiropractor today and I don't have much to report.
TIme to go see my witch-doctor-cum-chiropractor. What does he have in his sleeve today. Fun.
@naan 多分これがベストページだね。だとしたら、バナーからのリンクもここに行くべきでは?ただ会場とかもうわかってる情報がないよね・・・...
@naan @maru_twitter 「日程」「会場」「費用」「申込方法」という鍵となる情報はスクロールなしでもわかるものでは。 FAQの前に。...
@naan これ、ちょっむずかしすぎっす。いきなり「Facebookページできました」って言われても・・・・。普通はここで、全情報をぱっと見て一覧できるページが出てこないかなぁ。...
@jseita @naan というわけでリンクを依頼しようとJTPAのサイトを見たが、コンファレンス情報がひとつにまとまったページがないという orz...
@akisan Weetabix全然栄養なさそう・・・・www 気分は「朝粥」?
@akisan @sfyoshi わたしはWeetabixをこよなく愛してます。牛乳をかけて5分たつとちょっとゲロっぽい見た目。多分50年前も同じ味。アジや彩りが変わったら泣く。...
@karasu welcome to the old-timers world:) 16kHz is just annoying to me too, without the sound. This is neurologically interesting.


Fumi Kenn Ejima Kazuya Minami Kazuho Okui Tatsuhiko Miyagawa Joseph Miller Naoki Hiroshima Masato Bito Toshiyuki Masui Nob Seki May Horimoto Ryo Ishizuka Morihiro Ryu Akiko Matsubara Jun Seita Yasu Nishida Hideaki Hayashi JTPA Shinji Sato KAZ ushioda takufumi kawane Takuya Oikawa Mika Ueno Yoshinari Yoshikawa marcvl Hakuro Matsuda Lessig chiemaeda Toshi swterry Kei Noguchi Hiro Yotsumoto aki tokyomango Yokum Kay Ayaki-Zeren