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is soooooooo sleepy
@jseita No, via regular network.
is watching his kids decorating the Christmas tree via GMail Video
is chatting with his family in the U.S. using GMail Video, which works much smoother than Skype Video
@honten かなり暖かくてびっくりですね。厚手のコートを持って来て大損しました。それでも家は寒いのです、家は。...
is impressed by Mao Asada's stunning triple accel
@kenn I personally don't care Pownce but I wonder if Rejaw would retrieve tweets from Twitter
enjoyed the impressive view of Mt. Fuji on a bullet train
should have left 30 minutes ago
is fxxcking drunk at somewhere Shibuya
is at Cerulean Tower in Shibuya
is on a bus for Cerulean Tower
bought a bottle of green tea for 150 Yen
has 1,000 Yen and cannot find an ATM at Narita Airport
is in Japan
is not in Japan yet
is turning off his iPhone


noah Evan Williams Stuart Alex Payne Joe Dunn erwan Kenn Ejima Kazuya Minami Kazuho Okui Hitoshi Hokamura Masayoshi Sekimura Tatsuhiko Miyagawa Cali Lewis Matthew Eernisse Satoshi Nakagawa Tom Stitt Natali Del Conte Kee Hinckley Jake Marsh Bob Lee Nobuyuki Hayashi Junji Takagi nishio hirokazu KOYAMA Tetsuji Toru Hisai Shinichi Tomita Toshiyuki Masui TAKESAKO Tatsuya Ono 津田大介 Akira K. Atsushi Eno Yoshihito Yoneyama Yuko Nohara