Brad Choate’s Favorites

Jake Ludington
jakeludington Some day I need to be brave enough to upgrade Movable Type on 4.x is awesome on
cmdshiftdesign played w/ Movable Type for the first time today - it's pretty snazzy, I must say.
Andy Bailey
CommentLuv one more for the bag, limited version of commentluv working on movable type
Evan Williams
ev Fun thing to say at a Twitter meeting: "I'm not following you."
David Raynes
rayners Fighting the urge to work on awesome Movable Type plugins instead of doing much needed housework. I guess that is why I work for @sixapart.
David Raynes
rayners OMG. My brain just asploded with brilliance. Developing for MT 4.2 is so much damned fun!
Six Apart
sixapart Sandbox comes to Movable Type! It's a ton of new themes for your blog, with a great story behind its creation:
scordo movable type is wonderful
scordo playing with Movable Type 4.2 - Professional Web Site module is awesome!
Toni Hambilton
Toni_H I'm having a win converting wordpress theme to movable type, beautiful theme btw
vertigo25 @agraygirl Just for blog? Movable Type is probably your best bet as it has an API, and lots of plug-ins, etc.
Erica Tesla
etesla @shirizaan I want something as secure as Movable Type, as feature-rich/user-friendly as Tumblr, on my own server. Solution: MT + Ubiquity.
calinative just flexed my movable type muscles. u can't get over on me by saying MT can't do it. IT CAN. u just need to know what to do.
Kristina Werner
starofmay Installing Movable Type on my new webserver... Oh my word, it's so much faster!
calinative I think it's official: I am placing all my bets on Movable Type. So long WP.
Andrew Ruess
andrewruess Having spent the better part of the afternoon working with Movable Type 4.2 I can confirm it kicks ass.
Matt Haughey
mathowie "Do you want more cookies, or stories at bedtime?" As a parent, I realize every day we create more prisoner's dilemmas than The Joker.
Neil Turner
nrturner Mark Paschal's Action Streams plugin for MT is made of pure win. Expect to see my sideblog be resurrected in automated form soon...
Jim Ramsey
jimramsey @bradchoate I never spend any time getting my tweets to be exactly 140 characters long, it just happens naturally lorem ipsum dolor sit ame.
Mena Trott
dollarshort OMG, how come no one told me that onesies would fit Maddy too!