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@joiito says failed sharing is like sand in Vaseline and Creative Commons is about letting us share freely.
@spanktar great to see you blogging, and about Selenium no less. Have you looked at Windmill?
@ManFmNantucket if you follow my events on you'll see most of them. Hope you're not too affected by the ice storm.
Berkman is hosting a star-studded event tonight. Lessig, Joi Ito, Doc Searls and Tim Berners Lee are in the house!
if you can't attend the Lawrence Lessig / Joi Ito discussion tonight at the Berkman center, the event will be webcasted.
@aclark4life yes, it's super easy to use. just go to and it will recognize your built-in iSight camera. stream and record.
Broadcasting Pinax Project at Django Meetup.
@jtauber looking forward to your talk tonight about Pinax Project at the Django meetup @betahouse.
Come to the December Django Meetup @betahouse to learn about the Pinax Project with @jtauber, Dec. 11 7:00 PM
is it time to upgrade the Wordpress blog again already? I dig Matt Mullenweg's name for the 2.7 release: “Coltrane”.
RT @markbao: Virgin America just announced Boston Logan to San Francisco Airport $149 each way starting 2009 feb 12! and wifi in every seat
excited to see what magical things come out of the Plone performance sprint.
@matt_fisher would be great to see you in Montreal for the Plone Developer Training. Love your Project Muster site!
@paul_irish oops, that should have been for the PDANet link.
@kanter says "be a geek who gives." #smb
Turn your jailbroken iPhone into a wi-fi router with thanks @khopper for the tip!
For every comment on their website, Tyson Foods will donate 100 lbs of protein to the Boston Food Bank. #smb
@kitblake say hi to Xavier and good luck with the EU proposal!
At Social Media Breakfast with @bryper and @khopper. Topic: "Social media for social change" by @bethkanter
interested to hear what Local Motors has to do with Web Innovators. This feels like a stretch. #webinno20


Mike Champion Gary Elliott Rod Begbie Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Nabeel Hyatt Dave Winer Jake Shapiro Daniel Johnson, Jr. Brian Del Vecchio Sooz Cal Henderson Marcus Cristenson Chris Brogan Graham English Beth Kanter Andrea Mercado Doug Haslam Jim Long Jack Hodgson Mark Bao Kyle Bradshaw  C.C. Chapman Seth Robert Scoble Matthew Oliphant B.K. DeLong Tom Jeff O'Hara joanne  mcneil Aral Aleksandr Jesse Baer Jon Pierce Chris Abraham
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