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dear latex-beamer, i hate you. love, mjollnir
wow, i fail at window managers
@ranginui no, you're awesome as always
google street view in wellington makes me immensely homesick
kind of disappointed with the sexism thread on nzoss for a number of reasons
i cannot find unsubscribe options for tfl, isn't that illegal?
@moodleman especially since all bugfixing now must happen in my spare time
@moodleman there's a really big problem in general about getting user feedback so long after development
seriously, top posting a 100 line response to a 100 line email makes me want to kill you
offlineimap: GO TO HELL
reading about topgit
my favourite term is 'fuckery mitigation'
trying to stay awake for moodle developer conference in an hour
completely astounded by the incompetence of o2
getting too old for two boozey nights in a row during the work week


Ian Hay Ben Brown Michael Koziarski Tom Coates Alex Payne mikeforbes Chris DiBona Status Updates Andrew Garrett Britt Selvitelle meangrape Dan Thomas Scovell Brett Taylor Steve Simitzis James Home Rebecca Cox Brenda Wallace jo eaton Epic Beer Nat Torkington Phil Karl Gunnarsson Amaya Rodrigo Robert Coup Jonathan Baudanza Brian Moseley Reed Wade Kyla Dyresen Gala Darling Rob Chris Shiflett Tom G ninnx Jerry Sigurd Magnusson