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@Igniter Peer produced: TransitCamp, BarCamp, etc. Planners for Good, TSO Facebook group started by audience, not TSO
Taking a break from my "specialization of meaning" post to work on a "messy" post for the Queen of MP herself.
LOL. @darmano leaves a comment on Seth's blog. A video comment.
@mikearauz Or imagine if Facebook connect brought the chat state mgmt along with it to any site/blog that implemented it!!
@brandmarken I can't get "bubbled"?!! Pout. ;)
@Armano LOL! Dude. That service is F'ing priceless just for the fact that you can say to someone "I Bubbled you" ;) ;)
RT @Armano: I've just been "bubbled ". So looks like the guy does work for them. I'll have to try it myself. (WEIRD!)
@jaygoldman I'm changing my handle to CONNECTitalong! ;)
Anyone tried Typepad Connect yet??? Worth implementing?
@VizThink can we get this guy at one of the VizThink conferences?
Amazing Creative Network Exploration workshop
Only YOU would think it routine to find a fourth step in a three step plan, Gavin!!! ;);)
What can you learn from Failure? Awesome slideshare from @adrianho at ZeusJones
@amoyal has a certified antique BlackJack II up for grabs and is willing to trade for an iPod Touch and $50 cash payment. Act quick! :)
I thought it was a joke but now I'm thinking it's the most wacked out cell phone baiting scam ever???
craziest f'ed up thing I've ever been sent a link to.
Anyone know of any research that maps/measures relationships? Looking for categories of r/ship strengths/value
@MackCollier It takes me that long to relaunch Firefox when the Alexa plugin crashes it every 3rd reload. ;) ;)