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@craignewmark : it seems that RSS links <link rel=alternate type="application/rss+xml" ... > are broken in Craigslist searches
@danielha: please tell me it's not! I have something great to show you if you can give me the URL!
@disqus @danielha @jasonyan @andrewbadr @giannii : hey guys, what the URL for my comments and their responses feed?
@joestump : if you happen to find more dev than what you need, forward them to me! @notifixious needs Air, Cocoa and Win devs as well!
@sixapart, @yannk, @beausmith : who should I contact to have our Typepad Widget added to this (I already submitted it)
Happy Sunday France! Et profitez en pour prendre exemple sur le blog de Vinvin : : intégrez le widget Notifixious
@kevinrose : What is there after death?
I miss winter. It's not that I don't like the weather here in SF, but damned, falling snow is so nice to see and I miss it.
RT @bear just had to share this:
@metajack : too bad I missed you. Hopefully next time!
Back from SatisFactory: great party and good discussion with @rk , @ jeffboudier, @jonathangrubb and several others! thx @getsatisfaction
Another crazy week. Proud of what we did with
Anyone who good Postfix skills out there? I need help...
@metajack : ping me when you're here and let's meet again!
@yannk : welcome back! When you have some time check our widget for Vox, Typepad and MovableType!
@bear : You said to ping on thurday about the Seesmic XMPP firehose -> Here I am ;-)
Damned, here comes scalability. Notifixious is getting a little traction and the response time decreases... #rich_people_problem


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams rabble rayreadyray kellan Blaine Cook Chris Sacca Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Harper Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala Dave Morin Dave Winer Cameron Walters Andrew Parker Veronica Belmont Geoffrey Grosenbach VIRGINIE Robert Scoble photomatt Ryan Carson bear Alex Payne Ryan King Anil Dash dotBen Kevin Marks Britt Selvitelle Eric Hammond Jonathan Grubb Paul Stamatiou Brad Fitzpatrick
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