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In fact, I'd take an OS that doesn't make me go upstairs and reboot my server 3 times a day after wifi flakes out while editing text files!!
All I want for Christmas is.. reliable wireless..
A friend from New Zealand is visiting with 3 kids ... 5 days of bedlam!
Just blogged about Pochi - a new mapping service beta from Yahoo! Japan -
Ahhh...the Internet... where a friend is simply a stranger you haven't met yet
Off to day two of Web 2008 Expo in Tokyo -
@danbri ... you're referring to the collapse of global capitalism, of course...? :)
Tokyo Blog Dinner - tonight the Eye-fi guys joined the usual suspects... announcing the Japan release of their wireless 2GB SD Card.. ツ・9980...
Heading in to Shibuya for the "Web Expo 2008"
Damn... just squashed a bug where I'd neglected to escape some XML. As soon as someone entered an & ampersand the parser barfed :(
@ami_harikoshi Just checked out your sample movie.... すごいな!恐るべしデジカメ!
A beautiful cloudless winter's day in Tokyo. Perfect ... errr ... job hunting weather!
@adjohn Thanks for the shout out! Next version will be all AJAX and have the ability to set up a bunch of tweets to go out every x minutes
Send new years cards to mixi friends even if you don't know their real name or address .... (Japanese)
@dominiek ... that seriously otaku!! Actually when you said you were studying Messier Objects, I was gonna send you some of my code ;)
@yongfook Sweetcron Rocks!!! Death to the infidel who claims otherwise! It's so cool it almost inspired me to learn PHP ... almost ;)
Trying to put the whole next version of on one page with AJAX goodness ... just a couple of gnarlies to go
wow ... just got two Skype chat messages from last Tuesday!


Robert Scoble Tom Stephanie Booth Andrew Shuttleworth Robert Mao Anders Joi Ito Loic Le Meur Robert Sanzalone matt romaine John Breslin Dan Brickley Mike Sheetal hironao kunimitsu Tim O'Reilly Katsuyuki Sakai Nob Seki Yusuke Kawasaki Raju Vegesna Michael(tm) Smith Yuki Naotori Jason Lawrence Nazar UltraSuperNew Inc. yongfook dominiek Tom Callaghan Adam Johnson Jeff Ames DataPortability tokyo2point0 hokuo andywatts sioc viklall afujii nzcfug