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american express now lets you tag transactions. now if it just let me apply those same tags to all identical transactions it'd be useful
this survey on iphone games just asked me if i was a democrat or republican. wtf?
surveys should be a maximum of 5 questions, otherwise i lose interest and you get no info at all
i need to learn me some gmail shortcut keys
i finally looked at the price difference between US and EU Amazon EC2 instances: $7.20 a month (1 cent an hour)
"power" and "failure" are now two words in my twitter grader tweet cloud. take that, crappy hosting company!
@gsnedders word will do it for you now :)
just tried the pagico task manager, today's maczot. it sucks horribly. apparently it's written in php though, which is interesting.
"The String Quartet Tribute to R.E.M." now that's impressive
this seti@home astropulse work unit has been going for 23 hours and still has another 23 left. that's one hell of a computation
this digg headline from with questions for a pilot is incredibly interesting
i find the joomla site very attractive (and useful)... @habari needs to get it some of that
they're shutting off the heat on monday for major repairs. so that steam geyser in the parking lot wasn't intentional then?
cool, pandora on the iphone resumes just like the ipod player after a phone call. i had kinda figured it wouldn't
@h0bbel you sure you just haven't washed your goatee lately? i know how you old guys start to forget things
12mph winds bringing in the cold front that scared off our rain... down to 28 tonight
@anthonycole i think you're carrying on your own conversation totally unrelated to the situation i'm talking about, so i'll just ignore you
@anthonycole that doesn't make any sense. i could get an assistant job with no degree, much less a masters. having the degree is pointless.
oh, now this is annoying. you have a 'table of contents' that's in a different order than the actual content it indexes


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