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is also getting gussied for a holiday party. Shout out to @M_i_k_e_B - I'm thinking we're looking pretty good. ;-) Have a good one.
@nhweas feel free to bring 'em on Sunday. I loves me some xmas cookies :)
@erikarenee you are always welcome to come here. Cost of entry: One Sammy.
is enjoying a g&t while planning the zillion things that have to get done before the weekend.
is getting ready to get all christmassy with the kids. On agenda: paper chains, paper snowflakes, ribbons, and lots of glitter glue
@buildguild lgu & I are en route
is looking forward to @Buildguild tomorrow night!
it doesn't get any better than the Linus and Lucy song from a Charlie Brown Christmas while decorating.
eeeeeeeeee!!!! Decorating today!! and it's snowing!!!!! eeeeeeeee!!!
omg there is so much to do and so very little motivation
maybe, just maybe, my compulsion & control issues are kicking in with the impending holidays & parties... wide awake and getting shit done.
@susannah I can get you a copy of School House Rock's Inter-Planet Janet for a refresher course if you'd like :)
@lantheaume - my interest is sufficiently piqued. We're @ the townes if you wanna call and share the news.
But first I feel motivated for a beer.
Just now starting to feel motivated to start the weekend packing for me, E, and Deedle. Larry's on his own.
Neighbor's wind chimes are going crazy today. Sounds like a good day to stay in and hear the wind.
is excited to sit and relax with a cup of tea.
hooray!!! The sun is coming out! and double hooray!!! Slept until 9:30 a.m..
getting ready to go have an informal 20th H.S. reunion.
is chillaxin' at home. Nice to have some down time.