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v3.1.3 released

the new version includes the much sought-after reply to all feature as well as an additional, small 2×1 widget for PRO users.

v3.1.2 released

we’ve just released a new version that supports five more languages and fixes a bunch of minor issues. see our release notes for more.

twidroid v3.1 released

we just pushed v3.1 – lots of news in our release notes.


we’re happy to announce that as of this week we’ll be cracking the 400k download barrier which makes us one of the most used twitter clients across all systems and platforms. in addition to our free version, twidroid PRO is the #1 paid app on the android market during this holiday season thanks to a broad range of newly released devices such as the google nexus or moto droid.
we’re currently baking our 3.1 release and would like to thank our users for the ongoing support during the last 1.5 years.

v3.0.7 released

we just pushed a new version which addresses a bunch of issues esp. on newer devices and brings support to low-res phones. also, you can now read/post to wordpress (see

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