Wally Punsapy’s Favorites

Matthew Lock
matthewlock Sigh, another bloodied tshirt :( And this time I was wearing protection.
Warren Ellis
warrenellis I personally think I would make an excellent President of Earth. Though I think I prefer the term Paramount Leader.
Chris Wetherell
cw Sadness is: a voter with hand tremors asking my gay co-worker to help mark her ballot to remove rights of gay couples in FL. He did.
Kevin Cheng
k I asked @coley to marry me. She said, "absolutely!" We have video evidence. It's a beautiful day.
ashot "McCain promises to return facebook to old layout"
Nick Nguyen
osunick created Wally Punsapy on Spore!
Ben Clemens
benvoluto plague of ants, third sign of the arrgh-calypse
Jeremy Zawodny
jzawodn overheard at craigslist: "there's already a large hardon collider. its called craigslist. just check out m4m"
l.m. orchard
lmorchard Ah yes, Iron Eagle, the Karate Kid of fighter jet movies.
Darth Vader
darthvader If tweets from users with many followers are what's stinging the service, then my posts must be akin to Death Star blasts. Excellent.
Natali Del Conte
natalidelconte Why does the microwave in the Fox News green room have a sticker that says The Colbert Report? Does not compute.
Warren Ellis
warrenellis I return to point out: It is NEVER Hammer Time. NEVER.
Kent Brewster
kentbrew Katie: Facebook is the Wal-Mart of Web apps.
Bradley Horowitz
elatable Inbox=0 the easy way... Copied 768 msgs to InboxOld7. Remail if it was important ;-)
Warren Ellis
warrenellis According to Deathclock, I won't die until 2058. Having a celebratory cigarette while juggling snakes. Fuck you, God. Get out of my chair.
ian c rogers
iancr trying to teach lucinda to say "totally" instead of "yes". it's a versatile word. show me a sentence that would not benefit from totally.


Chris Wetherell Rod Begbie BenJ Gordon Blake Engel Micah Alpern Daniel Jeff Bonforte joshua schachter Udi Falkson Stewart Butterfield Caterina Anca Mosoiu Jonathan Chum l.m. orchard Nick Gerakines Kevin Cheng Ben Ward ian kennedy Simon Willison Leonard Nate Koechley Bradley Horowitz Vince Maniago Christian Heilmann Chris Pederick ian c rogers Ernie Hsiung Yahnyinlondon Brad Wright Nick Nguyen Jeremy Zawodny Darth Vader Coley Wopperer Chad Dickerson John Resig
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