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@RedGiantTweet awesome! your next business trip, if they give you enough notice ping me so we can go have that beer.enjoy your weekend!
Week three of missed parties. I was looking forward to hanging out with syphilis sauna
@danablan that's the spirit! Show that snow watcha got.
@manishamusic hi manishamusic, what is the artist's full name? I didn't see a Chris listed on the website. Thanks!
@manishamusic thanks for the info on the show, I'll check it out
@RedGiantTweet Friday mostly sunny all day. morning temps in lo 20s, ice a major factor. Friday night bitterly cold, with lows from 10-18.
@RedGiantTweet its totally snowing. and like 25 degrees. Hope you're not driving! its icy too.
@dougbuckley best to keep things simple, keep the next 4 to 6 weeks in mind, set short term goals, and you'll get there!
I like the slide edge function in Modo, its like the insert isoparms from Maya but with real time feedback. its cool
I have one week and two days to tie up loose ends. on the other hand traveling is good because I have nothing to do but work
people in this state act as if they've never seen snow. they can't drive in it and no one has snow tires.
excited and frantically catching up with work.
@johnfoster beer everywhere, all the time!
Its almost too cold to walk my dog. I have two pairs of pants on and a down vest.
Macworld 2009 has cost me over $1000 already and I am not even there yet
seattle schools are mostly closed so my shoot is once again postponed


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